PowerShell Saves the Day! – Change File Extension for over 10 Thousand Documents

August 10, 2008 § 1 Comment


A Hard Drive failure almost managed to destroy IMPORTANT DATA from a LAB Company in located in Puerto Rico USA. In a recovery process a Disaster Recovery Tool used to import the DATA to a safe HD renamed the EXTENSION of over 10 Thousand files.

Edited changed the Start In Path of PowerShell to the same location where the "change extension" files reside to avoid real move of the file and just change extension operation to happen.

1. Create a Shortcut on the Desktop for PShell.

2. Go to the Properties of the PShell Shortcut.

3. Change the location of the ‘Start In" of the shortcut you have created and place the exact location of the files which need file extension changed.

4. Ran the command provided by Lee (MSFT) and Marco (MVP).


dir *.bad-ext | Move-Item -Destination { [IO.Path]::ChangeExtension( $_.Name, "good-ext" ) } -WhatIf

Thanks  to Lee (MSFT) and Marco (MVP)!

Isvet Laclaustra

SQL 2008 – It is ready, the Wait Is Over – ! SQL 2008 Por fin lo puedes Comprar!

August 7, 2008 § Leave a comment


Announcing the release of SQL Server 2008, the enterprise data platform
for data warehousing, business intelligence, and LOB applications

The wait is over!  SQL Server® 2008 is now available and is ready for purchase.  For customers who have Enterprise Agreements, SQL Server 2008® will be available for Volume Licensing download on August 21.

TechNet Magazine recently published an overview of the key changes and what you can expect from SQL Server 2008. You can also get a rundown of the various Editions and Components of SQL Server 2008 and take part in SQL Server 2008 Tutorials.

An Overview of SQL Server 2008 installation will help you get started with your deployments.  You can also find guidance for Upgrading to SQL Server 2008 or Migrating to SQL Server 2008.  And if you are upgrading, be sure to check out Using Upgrade Advisor to Prepare For Upgrades.

From the August edition of TechNet Magazine, here are answers to your SQL Server questions, showing you how to perform consistency checks, how to handle an accidental upgrade, and more in the SQL Q&A column.

Finally, you can easily find local partners offering SQL Server 2008 solutions, find training partners near you offering official Microsoft courses on SQL Server 2008, as well as attend local in-person events and online webcasts on SQL Server 2008.

© 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft and SQL Server are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Ya estan Llegando – Ojo – Pendiente a tu Mail Box – TechNet Subscriptions-Windows Boot Camps 2008 = CLT

August 1, 2008 § Leave a comment


Si, ya estan llegando las subcripciones de TecnNet que se regalron en los evento de Windows Server, Visual Studio 2008 & SQL 2008. Muchos de los que han recibido las subcripciones, Un REGALO DE Microsoft, IT Community Staff Puerto Rico, PR.NET y PRPASS, ya nos han compartido su alegria al disfrutar de TODOS los BENEFICIOS que le ofrece la suscripcion de TechNet. No obstante alguno de los ganadores que aun no han recibido el tan esperado mail de MS le quiero compartir unos detalles para que se aseguren el mail no este en el JUNK MAIL, SPAM u otro Filtro que puedan tener en sus INBOX. Las "orejitas" son las siguientes:

El mail de TechNEt viene enviado de parte de LATAM TECHNET =

Y el GLORIOSO texto debe decir algo como =

NOTA: Gracias a varios de los que han recibido el Mail le podemos compartir estos detalles.

Les comento que si pueden hacer una regla en el Outlook u otro programa de mensajeria que pueda filtrar este contenido y / o usuario  tn-latam@microsoft.com para que les avise con una ALERTA seria muy bueno, Jejejejeje:

"From: TechNet Latin America <tn-latam@microsoft.com>
Subject: Technet Subscriptions: Bienvenido / Bem-vindo / Welcome"

"Estimado/a Suscriptor/a de Technet:
A partir de las próximas 48 horas, usted ya podrá tener acceso a todo el contenido de TechNet a través del Subscriber Download Site.
Este sitio le permitirá acceder a las más recientes actualizaciones de software y obtener sus claves de producto (Product Keys). 

Para ingresar al sitio serán necesarios el número asignado a su suscripción así como una cuenta Passport. NET. Si no tuviese esta cuenta, visite por favor www.passport.net y siga las instrucciones allí descriptas para obtenerla.
Una vez que haya ingresado en el sitio, le serán requeridos los siguientes datos para registrarse en el mismo:"

Cosas Buenas,


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